Let's be real. We all want to see results as fast as possible. It would be a dream come true, so what happens in reality? Marketing and so many businesses take advantage of this dream and want that we desire. Nowadays there's so many ads, commercials and advertisements promising that you will lose "X" amount of weight in a short amount of time. For example, "Take this pill once a day, and you'll lose 15 lbs in 21 days". If you ever see or read something that promises to make you lose weight by taking a product, please don't fall for it. Its all false advertisement. All that are trying to do is make money off of our insecurities and eager desires.
If you want to change your health and reach some of your goals you have to change your habits. Its obvious that the things you are doing on a daily basis aren't helping you get to where you want to be. So to start I encourage you to sit down, have an honest conversation with yourself and write down 3-5 things you know are not helping you. Now after you've written them down, get clear and focus on changing one of those "bad" habits into a "good" one.
For Example: Instead of having regular soda, have Coke Zero or a sugar free option. Instead of ordering large fries, pick a side salad or a fruit. Instead of having fried chicken, have it grilled.
Make sure to have protein in every meal. (ex: egg whites, grilled chicken, fish, lean steak, ground turkey, protein powder, etc.)
Start exercising for 30-45 mins 3 times/week (ex: go for a walk, ride your bike, yoga, attend a fitness class, lifting weights, dancing, anything that incorporates moving your body)
Drink a gallon of water a day. (this will help you stay hydrated, release bad toxins in your body, lubricate your joints/organs, improve digestion, etc)
Take your micronutrients. (ex: vitamins, minerals, fish oil, antioxidants, probiotics, etc.)
We've all been there. Doing countless hours of cardio, eating once a day, only taking shakes, constantly buying products, jumping on all the trendy fad diets, yo-yo dieting and guess what? We've ended back to where we started or probably worse. Frustrated and wondering why nothing works. Well let me tell you why: Because you are only worried about your long term end goal and not focused on the actions you are taking day by day. Your daily habits are the key to changing!
Losing weight too fast is unhealthy! What it really means is that you are underrating and overexercising excessively. In other words your energy levels are low, you are not nourishing your body, you are losing a lot of muscle and unfortunately setting yourself up for failure. WHY?? Because you want results now!
Focusing on fat loss is different. This means you are in a steady caloric deficit, lifting weights to get stronger, prioritizing protein in every meal and making sure you are well nourished with your balanced meals. By focusing on the following you are changing/improving your body composition. In other words you are building lean muscle and burning body fat. This is why it's important to do some resistance training and at the same time nourish your body with the right foods so that you can perform well during workouts and in life. When you change your mindset from wondering how much weight you've lost to how much stronger you've gotten, your fitness and health journey becomes far more enjoyable!
Check out our other post that talks about why the scale isn't the best indicator for your progress.
Our goal is to live a healthy active life not just for 30 day but for the rest of our lives. Its important that we find balance and joy throughout our fitness, health and wellness journey. Don't fall for rapid weight loss scams. You are doing a disservice to your body. Follow some of the tips I mentioned consistently and I promise you will start to see some changes. If you need additional help or have some question, feel free to send me a message! Much love AFA Fam!